Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I got the job!!

I finally can say I have good news when it comes to a full-time job!!!

I have been working at SIH as a temporary employee-which I picked up after being an intern there for my last semester of school.--which I was very lucky for.

I have applied for many jobs at SIH since then looking for full-time.

Well a job came open in the HR department and I had interviews and....

I got a call on New Years Eve and I got to hear those great words of

"I am honored to offer you this position."- That just made my new year completely!

I am very excited about starting this job, I get to start training in the next week to

start officially in 2 weeks. I have been very blessed with the opportunities I was given

these past few months while finishing school and now I was given this one too. I have a great set of co-workers there in the office and I have been given the chance to get to know them

already and I am so happy that I get continue my job career there. I couldn't have asked for

a better turn out!!!!

1 comment:

Mandy Rose said...

We are excited to have you in our office!! Love the new blog look too!