Thursday, January 8, 2009

That is why I didn't go to cosmotology school...

I really wish I had a picture of the events that happened last night...
Brandon and I went out just for a drink when he decided he really
needed to go to Wal-Mart and get a new razor-Kind of out of the blue-
but alright...
Reason for that is he usually keeps his hair cut pretty short so
it is just-well usually-alot easier and cheaper if I do it. So we find one and leave
to go home and start the hair cutting session.

We started with a longer razor cut...well he decided it needed to be shorter..
So here we go......
I go to the next size to make it shorter-against my will-I like it the
1st length---**just for the record**
Well I get a few strips done and it decides to not really cut hair anymore
It was because it kept getting hair stuck in it haha..come to find out it was a beard razor!

Oh but wait not even the best part--it gets better... He finally says forget it, just go
down to only the razor it will be pretty much the same length but it shouldn't
get stuck in there and make this last 5 hours. So we are both frustrated at this
time and ready to be done so I just agreed! So there are about 2 0r 3 different
lengths going on on top of his head...

So everything was going then the little buzz of the razor gets a little slower.....
and slower..........slower.......On the first big strip up the back of his head....
IT DIES! Sooooooo---he has longer hair on the right side of his head and a few places in the middle and kinda spotted with medium hair and the left and one big strip in the back cut down right to his scalp...

*I just want you to imagine this scene...because it is hilarious!!! I feel so bad for spending all that time on his head!!! But, you have to admit it is a freakin' funny story!! If I go home for lunch, I am going to try to sneak a picture while he is asleep since he sleeps all day because he has to work tonight! We will see if I am victorious in being sneaky.....

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